Sunday, October 3, 2010

Fall Foliage Fotos

It has been a while since I got all my gear together and headed out for a shoot with a bunch of other people. Too long actually. Would I remember what an F stop was and what it did? Well it all came flooding back as soon as we stepped out of the van at 6:00 a.m. and looked across the water to these two beautiful islands. My normal routine is to scout out the area and see where I feel inspiration, but the light was changing so fast I just ran to the nearest spot away from everyone and set up.

Anyone can *take a picture* look through the view finder and CLICK. Creating a picture takes time and when the sweet light is lasting only seconds long you don't have a lot of time to think.

The morning was more productive for me then the late afternoon. I truly dislike take pictures from 10:00 a.m. till about 4:00 p.m. When you have shot pictures at dawn and dusk, no other time compares.

A few words on Photoshop. None of my pictures are. All my pictures are right out of camera. Show me a killer image that was not put through the Photoshop mill and that is IMPRESSIVE. *JMHO*

And please whatever you do, don't shoot picture to please a group of judges. Shoot because you love what you see. Yes, know all the rules and then once you know them, then you will know when breaking the rules works.

I am going out this week again to do some shooting, since I have noticed a few spots where the trees are still quite vibrant and since I really don't have any Fall Foliage Fotos...I had better get some.

Happy Thanks Giving to all my fellow Canadian! *cheers*

Monday, August 16, 2010

Busy Summer, no picture taking

This summer I decided to take on a few kids to watch while I was home with my kids. Little did I realize that it would leave Zero time for me. I took up running again and feeling good about that. I do miss getting out with my camera, but in 3 weeks I should be free to start shooting again and I am looking forward to it.

Here are a few from the last 6 or so months.